

Going to the National Charter Schools Conference?

When you sign-in at NCSC, you’ll get a SchoolWorks apple tattoo in your registration gift bag.

While you’re there, take a picture of yourself wearing the tattoo, and post it to Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram with the hashtags #MySchoolWorks, #NCSC19 and your state name (#California). Be sure to tag your state charter school association so they can share your message far and wide (@CALcharters).

The charter school association in the state with the most #MySchoolWorks buzz will get a donation from SchoolWorks. Get your whole team onboard! Extra points will be awarded for group shots!

Not Attending NCSC This Year?

You can still support your state’s charter schools! Simply post a picture with the same instructions above (minus the tattoo, of course).

Keep Your State in the Lead!

Share this promotion with your colleagues to make sure your state is #1 (and to earn bragging rights among your fellow charter schoolers).

And don’t stop believing, #MySchoolWorks!